House system

The house system is an important part of life in a British school.
All the pupils in the Junior and Senior Schools belong to one of four houses.

Junior School

In the Junior School we have four houses named after Amsterdam canals: Singel, Herengracht, Keizersgracht and Prinsengracht. Children gain house points for good behaviour, excellent work, friendships and consideration, gaining certificates for different amounts of points through the year. We have a weekly house points competition, and Year 6 children act as weekly house captains to take the cup for their team. Houses are used for a variety of activities, including groupings in team games and sports day, house competitions in theme weeks and activities at the summer term residential for each year group. As well as house points, we also celebrate children’s achievements and successes in weekly achiever assemblies, and we have a school mascot who accompanies a different class each week.

Senior School

In the Senior School we have four houses named after Amsterdam canals: Singel, Herengracht, Keizersgracht and Prinsengracht. Pupils are assigned to a house on entry to the Senior School and different coloured school ties are worn to denote their house. Inter-house competition builds towards the awarding of the house cup each year after sports day. There is an element of rivalry between houses as part of our reward system in school enables pupils to collect coloured tokens for their house. The winning house celebrates with an house away day.