6-11 year olds


English and Mathematics are recognised as core subjects and taught daily. A topic based approach to the curriculum is made with an emphasis on cross curricular links. Science, History, Geography, Art, Design & Technology and Computing are all taught through a topic based approach in short or long units and we aim to make our curriculum exciting, relevant and appropriately challenging.

Children learn to work in an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect and can enjoy an extensive programme of extracurricular activities and there are dedicated music rooms for private music tuition.

Assessing Progress

Children are assessed at regular points through the year using the learning objectives from the National Curriculum used in England and the end of year expectations for each year group. We also look at children’s attitudes and capabilities in a wider context to understand how each child is progressing in their social as well as academic development. These objectives are used to report progress mid-way and at the end of each year, and support and extension programmes are put in place to ensure every child ‘s needs are targeted.



Children who are new to English receive additional support from our English as an Additional Language (EAL) Teachers, who work with small groups of children either as a withdrawn group or in class. All children work towards learning targets which are set by the teachers each term.

Curriculum and Learning Support Teachers also complement activities in each year group, and children access a variety of support and extension groups each week.